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Ahsoka revealed in full...let's build a list

As we wrote in our last article, we got to see Ahsoka's unit card in full over a week ago.

It's clear that Ahsoka Tano loves to dodge. With not native surges, any Jedi needs to lean into dodges to get that deflect working and with the nerf to deflect in melee, multiple dodges when Ahsoka gets engaged could be really important. Jar'Kai Mastery allows Ahsoka to spend a dodge token to improve 1 attack die result - akin to Marksman.

Command Cards

No hero unit is complete without their command cards. We've not seen all 4, yes 4(!!) of her Command Cards.

I Am No Jedi - 1 Pip

A force user's 1 pip is always going to be used to allow a powerful attack to come off when you need it. As above, Ahsoka loves dodges. With Agile 1 (gain a dodge token when you perform a standard move) and Defend 1 (gain a dodge token when you are issued an order), it's likely that Ahsoka can double move and then hit her target (utilising her Charge keyword) giving her 3 dodges as she rips into her opponent. This will give her 3 more white dice in attack and she still gets to spend them with her Jar'Kai Mastery or she can save them for future defense.

Swift Protector - 2 Pip

This card is Ahsoka's equivalent of K-2SO's Sacrifice command card, allowing her to do her best to keep friendly units around her alive. This could be the difference between a scoring unit winning the game for you or not.

A New Beginning - 3 Pip

With no Master of the Force this recover is a necessary one for Ahsoka. More dodges for Ahsoka and her Nimble Rebel friends is always welcome. This could be used when you really want to finish a unit off, with the aims, or towards the end of the game when you are bunkering down and need that suppression gone.

Family Reunion - 2 Pip

Saving this one until last - it's Ahsoka's team up card with Sabine. Both Ahsoka and Mandalorians love dodges and so anyway to get more of these between each other is beneficial. Any free moves are always useful as well and could allow either character to get out of trouble at the start of the turn. This certainly adds a bit of spice and something to think about when it comes to list building.....

List Building

So...let's build a Ahoska - Sabine team up list.


Force Push is a staple on all force users. With her love of dodges, Force Reflexes seems obvious and needed. Seize the Initiative makes use of Defend 1 even more and allows Ahsoka to have an order on Sabine's 1-Pip as well as hers. With the nerf to Deflect in melee, Into the Fray is needed to get those surges.


A pretty standard build for Sabine. Up Close and Personal leans into the Family Reunion 2-Pip and allows Sabine to give out those dodges to Ahoska using Teamwork. Sabine is often seen without the Darksaber, but in this list I decided to include it so that Ahsoka and Sabine are running up the board together, waving their white and black sabres in the faces of the opponent. The grappling line gives opponent's melee characters something else to think about, if two sabre users wasn't enough already.


I've gone for a bit of a 'Corps medley' with one of each of the standard Rebel corps in the list. Veterans and their accompanying Mark II are doing well at the moment and adds Critical to the list. The 1 Rebel Trooper is there to grab your objectives. The Fleet Trooper, equipped with their range 2 Piercing weapon and Frag grenades pair nicely with A-A5 Speeder truck. I also gave them Portable Scanners which allow them to give Ahsoka another dodge token if they are all in the fray together.


The A-A5 is the force's commander with Shriv onboard. Of course, he gives out a dodge (get the theme here?!) and acts as the Fleet's taxi service. The A-A5 and the Fleets get into the opponent's face and keep them occupied until the deadly trio can catch up. Backworld Medic helps to keep the Mandalorian or Jedi's wounds topped up when they are chopping up the opponent.

Special Forces

Clan Wren pairs nicely with Sabine and gives the opponent something else to think about alongside the two operatives and the Fleet delivery system. Again, Retinue gets more dodges on the field.

All in all, this looks really fun to run and the command cards really top the list off. Post your suggestions of team up or competitive lists that you are looking forward to running with Ahsoka.

1 Comment

Apr 05, 2023

To me, 8 acts feels pretty light when running them against some of the very activation heavy lists that are now floating around. While the bud does seem to be a staple anymore, it easily gets weighted down and I prefer more agile units on the board to help grab objectives. For Ashoka, I am testing paring her with an AT-RT or speeder as it still helps you get up the board with some firepower but doesn’t sacrifice on speed and maneuverability. In addition, with defensive stance, you are able to take two dodges to help those poor dice roles and saber throw could be useful since you will be able to roll two reds and a black.

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