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Bounty Hunting is a Complicated Profession

Today we received the long promised and sought-after updates to the Bounty Hunters' unit cards. Don't get too excited, there aren't any command card updates, but there is still plenty to look forward to with the new and improved BBB trio.

We shall start with you can see his current unit card and his new errata'd unit card that comes out with the upcoming Upgrade Card Pack 2, in June. For clarity, the new, updated card is on the left.

Now first off let's start with the upgrade bar. Boba gains a much needed Comms slot. This addition seems a perfect slot for the new Comms upgrade card, Emergency Transponder. It's not uncommon for Boba to be out on his own on a flank, disrupting the enemy lines or hunting down his Bounty. This card will allow Boba that additional flexibility when he needs it, either to hit hard to be able to withstand an oncoming onslaught. Another potential here could be the Long-Range Comlink, which will help Boba receive orders regardless of where he finds himself on the battlefield.

Now for Boba's new keyword - Independent: Aim 1 or Dodge 1. Similarly to above, this helps Boba act as that penknife - a flexible unit that can change plans mid-game. If Boba doesn't have an order, he's able to select an Aim or a Dodge token at the start of the turn to suit his upcoming needs.

Boba's weapons have been tuned up. His melee 'boot spikes' have gained another red and his Range 1-2 Integrated Rocket have gained another black. This ranged weapon also gains Versatile, allowing Boba to be engaged but still make use of his Arsenal 2 and attack in melee with 3 red and fire out of melee with 3 black.

All in all, Boba has improved. He now seems more durable without an order and can contribute to a Imperial list more easily. He remains at 120 points (the points cost in the card above were his points cost before a previous errata). Unlike the other 2 members of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, Boba remains locked to his faction (aside from any further changes involving the Shadow Collective and Mercenaries that we don't know about yet). Only time will tell as to whether AMG have done enough to really ensure Boba Fett continues being infamous.

Moving onto the Trandoshan Terror....Bossk.

Bossk has less changes than Boba, but potentially more game changing. Bossk has no changes to his upgrade bar but does see a change in his keyword list. First of all, Unhindered and Expert Climber have been scrapped for the combination (and even better) keyword of Scale. This will allow the lizard to sneak his way around the battle field and pop out in those all important turns where he wants to play his command cards to nail a particular unit. Empire players have been clamoring for years, asking for Scale on Bossk. Their wish has been granted. Bossk also gains Independent: Surge 2, giving his 2 surge tokens at the start of the turn if he does not have an order. Now with Bossk already surging to Crit on attack, this is basically just buffing his defensive abilities - something not to be sniffed at with Regenerate still in the game.

Bossk can also now be added to another faction. It's a faction that is distinctly lacking in range 4 firepower; the CIS (there's a lot of sarcasm in that sentence). That's it for Bossk's changes, apart from noting his decrease in points from 115 to 105. Overkill do you think, as he was probably already the most commonly seen Bounty Hunter on the battle field.

And last, but definitely not least...Bane.

Following the same format as above, Bane gains a 2nd training slot. It's likely that these 2 training slots will be fought over by 3 principal training upgrades.

Up Close and Personal is a new, as of yet unreleased card and will really help Bane with his durability and survivability. Situational Awareness helps to make those dodges even better (more on that below) and Duck and Cover also helps with keeping him alive, and again is now even better on Bane.

Bane used to have Danger Sense 2, that is now Danger Sense 3. This means he gets to roll up to 3 extra white defense dice when being attacked - hence the increased credit given to Duck and Cover. Akin to his Bounty cousins, Bane also gains a new keyword that gives benefits from not having an order, with Independent: Dodge 2. This will massively help him to survive and paired with Outmaneuver from Situational Awareness, and the improved Danger Sense he will be zipping around the battle field feeling invincible.

Bane also gains Surge: Crit giving more punch to his 4 black range 1-2 attack but also more punch to his Electro Gauntlets, if those are something you like to run on Bane. Just like Bossk, Bane can now be taken by the other bad guys, with the Empire now able to hire Bane for jobs. Double bounty has always been a thing for the Empire, but perhaps now is the real age of the Bounty Hunters in an Imperial list. Bane also loses points, dropping from 120 to 105. Again, perhaps too much - time will tell.

Before drawing to a close, it's worth mentioning we still don't know the mercenary rules.

With all three of these units now becoming mercenaries, this might change how and when they can be included in their old and new factions. We know there is a new command upgrade coming out - Underworld Connections - which bestows a new keyword; Allies of Convenience on the commander. Are our commanders going to need this to issue orders to the Bounty Hunters if using a non-Bounty Hunter command card? Will we want to issue them orders otherwise we will lose out on the Independent buffs. Once these final pieces of the puzzle have been given to us, things will become clearer. For now, continue to live (and enjoy living) in a world of a CIS-less Bossk!


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