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May the 4th be with you

Finally, the force is with us on Star Wars Day 2022 - well, if you are in the UK it is anyway. Asmodee UK has launched a fantastic buy-in bundle for Legion to celebrate Star Wars Day 2022. Depending on the retailer, it is saving most buyers somewhere in the region of £150. As well as a Core box you get 5 expansions as well as a choice of commander.

The Legion Archives has taken a look at some of the potential lists you could make if buying into one of these bundles.


Buying the Rebel Alliance Bundle gets you access to the following:

  • 3 Commanders - Luke from the core set, a Rebel Officer from the Specialists pack and a commander of your choice (Leia, Han, Lando, Jyn or Cassian)

  • 1 Operative - Operative Luke (but if you buy the Cassian/K2 expansion you also get K2 and of course Lando and Luke have the Covert Ops ability to become an Operative for the game)

  • 4 Corps - 2 Rebel troopers from the core set and 1 Rebel Veterans Unit and a Mark II Medium Blaster

  • 2 Special Forces - 1 Rebel Commando and 1 Rebel Commando Strike Team

  • 2 Support - 1 AT-RT from the core box and a 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team

So what types of list can you make?

There's actually a lot of different lists you can take, but a lot depends on your choice of Commander. Whilst Lando, Han and Jyn are all good (Leia less so at the moment), Cassian and K2 are our suggestion for the Rebel take. Combine then with Op Luke and a sprinkling of Rebels and you have a tasty trooper heavy list.

Using Covert Ops on Cassian gives you 3 Operative tokens in your stack, helping you with order control. The Rebel Officer and K2 can hand out dodges to Luke when needed to help keep him alive as your main front runner. A kitted out Veteran squad enables some spicy Sabre throw Fire Support plays when you can get it working.


Buying the Galactic Empire Bundle gets you access to the following:

  • 3 Commanders - Darth Vader from the core set, an Imperial Officer from the Specialists pack and a commander of your choice (General Veers, Agent Kallus, Emperor Palpatine or Iden Versio)

  • 1 Operative - Operative Vader (but of course Iden has the Covert Ops ability to become an Operative for the game)

  • 4 Corps - 2 Stormtroopers from the core set and 1 Shore Trooper Unit and a Mortar Unit

  • 1 Special Forces - Deathtroopers

  • 2 Support - 1 Speeder Bike Unit from the core box and an E-Web

So what types of list can you make?

The list building options here are a little more limited than the Rebels, mainly due to the lack of a strike team option and the slightly higher points pricing of the Imperial units. However, Vader is Vader and Vader must fight.

This list assumes you are buying Palpatine to give you the deadly Rule of 2 Combination of Palpatine and his Apprentice Lord Vader, as an Operative. Taking some light corps units allows you to beef up a Deathtooper squad and bring an E-Web for defensive plays.


Buying the Galactic Army of the Republic bundle gets you access to the following:

  • 3 Commanders - Obi-Wan from the core set, a Clone Commander from the Specialists pack and a commander of your choice (Anakin or Captain Rex)

  • 1 Operative - Padme

  • 3 Corps - 2 Phase 1 Units from the core set (and you can also make a 3rd Phase 1 out of the Phase 1 Upgrade Expansion pack) so I will count this as 3

  • 2 Special Forces - ARC Troopers and an ARC Trooper Strike Team

  • 2 Support - 1 BARC Unit from the core box and an AT-RT

So what types of list can you make?

Options can be a little tricky here, and unfortunately you don't have access to Sabre Throw. But, saying that, you can still make a 10 activation list with a force user, nothing to be sniffed at!

This list can make use of Padme's and Anakin's token sharing abilities which can help to beef up some of these Clones' attacks. Whilst it's a Clone heavy list, in a non-clone heavy 'meta' (if you can call it that right now), it looks fun to play!


  • 3 Commanders - General Grievous from the core set, a T-Series Tactical Droid from the Specialists pack and a commander of your choice (Dooku or the Super Tactical Droid)

  • 1 Operative - Maul

  • 3 Corps - 2 B1 Units from the core set (and you can also make a 3rd B1 out of the B1 Upgrade Expansion pack) so I will count this as 3

  • 3 Special Forces - DRK-1 Sith Probe Droids from the Maul expansion, BX Droids and a BX Droid Strike Team

  • 2 Support - 1 Droideka Unit from the core box and STAP unit

So what types of list can you make?

With the lack of B1s, order control can be difficult to maintain. But, with access to a T-Series, a Super Tac and HQ Uplinks, it's not as bad as it first might seem.

This list combines the hard-hitting power of Maul backed up with some melee centred BX droids and speedy STAPs. Again, this looks a really fun list to play, but could bring some opponents to their knees at the hands of the CIS if played well.

In Conclusion

So, all in all, you have a lot of choice. You get a good chunk of units and you can top it off with your choice of commander to suit your taste. It would be great to see newcomers at some of this year's events to test their newly forged armies. Details of any UK events can be found here: UK Events

A reminder that you can purchase these bundles at many stores around the UK as well as Kirton Games, who we highly recommend for their service across the UK.

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