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The Latest Legion Reveals @ Adepticon

As now seems the annual tradition, AMG gave us a look into Legion's future over the next 12 months and also a few hints about the more distant future. If you weren't able to catch the stream on Sunday, then this article sums up the key points that were revealed.


We've known for a while now that Rebels will be getting their own version of the Bad Batch. Well since the recent reveals from GAMA some rebel players have been getting worried, as the rebel symbol was not on the box. AMG's Will Shick calmed everyone's nerves and confirmed that Rebels are getting Bad Batch as a mercenary unit - which can include Omega as a counterpart, releasing in July 2024.

We're still awaiting details on Echo, Tech and Wrecker, but from what we can see here, they are certainly going to be fun to play. Omega's I'm Part of the Squad Too ability leans well into the Rebel's objective play-style. Being able to have so many 'character' models on the table will be great to see and it will be interesting to see how The Bad Batch fit alongside the current plethora of Rebel character units.

Looking slightly further into the Rebel's future, they gave us more details on the Rebel Sleeper Cell Unit, coming out in the final quarter of this year. With what looks like 8 models in the box, with customisable options, this will be fun to build and paint. AMG said that they have worked with LFL to create this 'sleeper cell' unit. With ideas taken from the Andor series and Saw Gerrera. They sound like they are going to be a unit with lots of tricks; acting as saboteurs and laying explosives to cause problems to the opposing force.


Coming out in just over a month are the Range Troopers. These are elite troopers for the Empire. They are a Support unit which look like they are going to be Range 4 specialists with their native Range 4 E-10R Blaster Rifle and multiple Range 4 Heavy weapon options. The new Advanced Targeting keyword is going to help them out with a free aim when attacking troopers. However, with their Armour 1 comes a downside as they are only Speed-1, however with Spur they can move faster if needed. The best thing about these guys for me is the sculpts - they look great!

As an opposite to the Rebel Sleeper Cell above, the Empire are getting another cool looking unit called the Imperial Riot Control Squad. The KX droids look great and will be a welcome addition to any table! Again, AMG look ideas from Jedi Fallen Order and the Andor series when making these. The unit will be able to add up to 2 KX droids to the unit and will likely be a melee based Corps unit with their shock batons and riot control shields.


We've seen renders of the LM-432 Crab Droids before, but it's now great to see them in their painted glory. With 2 models coming in the box, releasing before the end of 2024, they come with 2 different weapon options. To keep the 'water-based CIS' theme going, they previewed renders of Aqua droids. Now, these might be unfamiliar to some of you. They have been seen a few times in The Clone Wars TV show; in the Battle of Kamino and also in a battle on Mon Cala involving the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. Their official name are the AQ-series Battle Droid. These are due to be released in the first quarter of 2025. They are on notched bases and so they are going to be BIG!!

Finally, they showed us a Hard Plastic re-sculpt of General Grievous. They have already told us that they are revisiting all of the soft plastic miniatures (even though GG was actually in hard plastic anyway) and we will likely see this in a new core set in Summer of next year. I'm actually not a huge fan of the sculpt and it doesn't look that much different to the current sculpt we have.


Coming out in just over a month are the Clone Commandos. Just like the Range Troopers, they are a support unit with 4 models. They come with their free and compulsory gear upgrade 'Katarn Pattern Armour' We're yet to see the armanent choice, which will be a flip card to give the unit a bit of flexibility. Their Complete the Mission keyword this unit has a lot of flexibility. We're yet to see the Delta Squad unit card which will come in this same box.

As with the Rebels we know GAR are getting the Bad Batch - without Omega.

ARF troopers - something I have heard people ask for a while now! These guys look pretty cool, but perhaps the best thing about them might just be ARF trooper Jedi Attachment. The fact that we may start to see some non-named Jedi now is great. They also said that this unit will be able to attach to ARCs as well as the ARFs.

We also saw the re-sculpted Obi Wan which will release alongside Grievous.


AMG's previous terrain packs have not been that well received (mostly due to the price). They didn't show all of the pieces that will come in this box, however they did say that the barricades pack were getting 'tired' and so there's a chance that this might bring more pieces of 'defined' terrain. This is due to be released in early 2025. I love terrain, and official terrain is even better! Allegedly it is going to be completely customisable to create walls, courtyards, destroyed buildings and more.

Road Map

So it looks like we might be getting the new GCW Core sets in Q2 of 2025 and the Clone Wars Core set in Q3 of 2025.

Here are a few quotes direct from AMG which should make us all feel really positive and excited about the future of Legion - doom to you naysayers.

"2025 is going to be a big year for us, we are on the cusp of a lot of things"

"There is a lot of really killer and new sculpts, characters and releases"

"Pushing into faction identity and making them more unique and interesting alongside battle forces"

"A lot internally that is finally coming to fruition"

"Explosion of Legion stuff, a lot of really cool stuff that will finally be ready to show at Adepticon next year"

"The Jedi attachment is the start of that idea"

"More and more non-named Jedi"

"Sharing a lot of cool stuff at Ministravaganza in July"

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